Enter the 12 or 16 digit access or activation code provided to you with the purchase of the product

The License Holder is the person or entity who purchased the license to the software. The data entered here will be used to create the name of your site and become part of your site's web address (i.e., entering Physical Therapy Clinic will result in an URL ending in physicaltherapyclinic)

The Administrator Email Address and Name will be entered into your database and become the first login account for your new site. This email address will receive the email with the URL for the newly created site. This person will also have the ability to create accounts for other users of the software.

All fields are required to create your site.

View PRO-ED's privacy policies

 By checking here and clicking the Register Code button, I, on behalf of the License Holder above, agree to enter into PRO-ED's End User License Agreement with regard to the use of this product.